Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
4/5 Wood jobs in the classroom!
- Caretaker
- Librarian
- Clean up
- Administrative assistant
- Tech support
- Caretaker is when you get to feed our class pets, Leo our Leopard gecko and Spock our newt. The caretaker feeds Spock once a week, we feed him blood worms and they are frozen in ice cubes. The caretaker also feeds Leo worms every day. How do we keep the worms alive you ask? They live in a jar with bunny food.
- The librarian’s job is to keep the class library neat and organized, and bring returned books to the school library when it is book exchange.
- The clean-up job is to wash tables and whiteboards, and last but not least, empty the recycling.
- The administrative assistant is the person who gets to call out who gets wiggle stools and helps the teacher hand out work and other “office” jobs.
- Tech support is when you help with technology and computers and the smartboard. Also, collect the iPads and make sure they are charging.By Lily S.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Thursday Oct 19 is the first day of volleyball club. It will be located in the gym, after school 3:35 – 4:15. Mr. Bridge will be coach. Volleyball is a fun game for all! I actually will be there too, because I love sports. Beaumont school has a long tradition of providing team sport opportunities, and is excited to have our grade 5's learn about Volleyball and play a fun tournament against other grade 5 student from nearby schools.
What is Sustainable Development?
Video link:
Recycle Roundup game
krill smack down
coral reef
Food and gardening
ELA past targets
Reading stamina is when students are able to read independently, with focus, for a sustained amount of time. This includes: choosing a "good fit" book, preparing to read by settling into a comfortable spot and staying there; always looking at the pages of the chosen book, and applying effective strategies to increase enjoyment and understanding. Specific strategies are being taught and modeled in class.
Continue to work on reading stamina. Added focus on using comprehension strategies to deepen understanding and follow more difficult texts. Guided and independent practice of "Visualizing" and "Connecting". Please ask your child to explain them to you. Students should read every day at home.
Explore different genres; identifying elements of Fairy Tales. Especially setting (where and when), characters (hero and villain) and plot elements (magical items or people, repeating numbers, good wins over evil, happily ever after . . .). Continue practicing strategies to improve understanding. Students should be able to apply to class read-aloud as well as independent reading. Word work focus on homonyms (words that sound the same but mean different)
December: Follow the writing process to create an original fairy tale for grade 1 / 2 buddies. (Pre-write ideas, draft, revise, edit, format and publish). Independent reading and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary. Use understanding of text and context clues to begin figuring out meanings. Retell a section of text using the 4 square method (Who, Where/When, What happened, How it ended)
including illustrations and written explanations.