Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A New School Year!

Welcome to our Blog! 
A place to share what is happening at school and access resources to support learning.

I am not sure what this year will bring . . . but we will keep on keeping on!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Weather and Climate

* New 
Adapting to Climate Change in Canada Poster
Weather Group Roles:
  • Anchor (introduce weather event / location / date / why it is news);  give overview of the weather event.  A formal and serious presenter
    •  Where, When and Who
    • Impact on people, business, travel, city
    • Damages, reports of injury or death
  • On-site Reporter ( on the scene describe system, wind, rain, damage, etc)
    • What
    • Describe  with details and examples -  wind speed / gusts / direction;  temperature; amount of rain or snow or hail;  size of hail; humidity levels;
    • colourful language and demonstrations; drama
  • Anchor ( thanks . . . now to our weather / safety expert to ….)
  • Weather expert
    • Why
    • Science behind the weather event
    • what people should do to be safe and be prepared for weather event
  • Anchor ( well that’s good to know . . . . )

ELA past targets

Reading stamina is when students are able to read independently, with focus, for a sustained amount of time. This includes: choosing a "good fit" book, preparing to read by settling into a comfortable spot and staying there; always looking at the pages of the chosen book, and applying effective strategies to increase enjoyment and understanding. Specific strategies are being taught and modeled in class.

Continue to work on reading stamina. Added focus on using comprehension strategies to deepen understanding and follow more difficult texts. Guided and independent practice of "Visualizing" and "Connecting". Please ask your child to explain them to you. Students should read every day at home.

Explore different genres; identifying elements of Fairy Tales. Especially setting (where and when), characters (hero and villain) and plot elements (magical items or people, repeating numbers, good wins over evil, happily ever after . . .). Continue practicing strategies to improve understanding. Students should be able to apply to class read-aloud as well as independent reading. Word work focus on homonyms (words that sound the same but mean different)

December: Follow the writing process to create an original fairy tale for grade 1 / 2 buddies. (Pre-write ideas, draft, revise, edit, format and publish). Independent reading and identifying unfamiliar vocabulary. Use understanding of text and context clues to begin figuring out meanings. Retell a section of text using the 4 square method (Who, Where/When, What happened, How it ended)
including illustrations and written explanations.